The RECORDING of "Stacked Forms" Online Workshop


Purchase the download of THE RECORDING of "Stacked Forms". This recording does not expire. It is a download through Google Drive that you will have indefinitely, for your personal use. Register here to receive a link to the download. Please allow two hours for the link to come through on your email. I send them as I receive them. Thanks!

“Stacked Forms” Online Workshop

Making large pots is difficult for so many reasons. Work smarter, not harder! Learn to make larger, more complex pieces through joining multiple parts together. We will throw multiple parts and then experiment with different outcomes from joining the parts together. The technique of stacking multiple parts can be used to make almost anything, including bowls, vases, ewers, teapots, etc.

The three our session will include an image presentation, and demonstrations. Demonstrations will include throwing parts, altering, assembling, and line decoration (time permitting). Hosted on the Zoom platform, the class will be geared toward observation with the option of going back and trying the techniques later. The chat section will be used for questions. Participate during the scheduled time, and/or learn from viewing the recording later. Participants will be able to download a copy of the workshop recording through Google Drive to have for their indefinite personal use.